Gold Sword I got at Level 5
Okay, this is a gold sword I traded for one day when I had discovered some Black Dye in Pre-Searing with my Warrior. As soon as I got to Post-Searing, I sold the Dye to the merchant for 8k and went on a spree upgrading all of my armor to the max and buying cheap dyes. I had 4k left and I saw a guy advertising for a sword they were selling. I walked over to him and I asked to see the sword. It was amazing, but the guy wanted 8k. I asked him if there was anything he would want other than money, and he wanted Iron Ingots and anything he could sell. I happened to have twelve of them and a Shocking Sword Hilt, which I got with my Mo/Me character. Anyway, I managed to get the sword and I customized it to deal more damage, and I worked towards getting my Swordsmanship Skill up to 10. Well, I succeeded and I have never unequiped this sword since.