If you have the BMP, I'd say go with the Tengu set. The main hand and offhand look great on a Ritualist in my opinion. Even the staff if you don't want to use main and offhand weapons.
With a Staff, I'd say Adept Head and Fortitude Wrapping with either HCT20%, Energy+5, or even +15 Energy/-1 Degen (Seize The Day) inscription.
With a Main and Offhand, HCT20% and a HCT20% Inscription. In Offhand go HCT20% Focus Core, and either HSR20% or +15 Energy/-1 Degen Inscription.
As for Sword and Shield, Tengu again for me. lol
Go with a +5 Energy Inscription for the sword and a Fortitude or Defense Pommel. Then a Luck of the Draw -5/20% on your shield with Fortitude or Devotion (if you use enchants) mod.