Swearing in images are not allowed, make sure to censor them. The whole word must be censored, not just part of it.
Image Posting:
Images must be no larger then 800 x 600. If they are then please do the following:
Please convert images to .jpeg if possible. Images that are over 600KB in size will be converted to URL links or deleted.
Thumbnails, such as the ones provided by ImageShack are recommended for all images.
General Chatting within Threads - NOT ALLOWED!:
This thread is not a chat room! Don't use it as such. This also falls under spamming! (See below)
Please don't use the thread as a kind of chat-room. If you wish to discuss random stuff then please use forum PMs, e-mail or chat in-game if you like. Not in the thread.
Chat room talk / spam will be deleted.
Replying to Posts + Spamming:
The GWG forum rules on spamming are very clear:
Please keep all replies tasteful. Swearing, flaming, crude comments, pointless comments will not be tolerated!
+1 post count spam is not encouraged! Mods actively found themselves deleting this kind of spam from a number of the Screenshot threads. The "Post your Character" threads in particular. The following clearly explains the differences between a comment/chat and a spam/+1 post:
Don't post just for the sake of adding +1 to your post count. Post counts aren't important on this forum.
KEEP ON TOPIC! If its a weapon thread, don't discuss armour. If it's a armor thread don't discuss farming, titles, chest running or weapons!
We don't encourage people to pointless go about posting meaningless psychobabble for sake of just increasing their post count. Your spam will be deleted and noted, so don't do it!
Screenshot Requests within Threads:
Please don't request screenshots. We have a whole sub-forum for that here:
Figure I'd get in on the fresh thread with some fresh screen shots with a couple fresh looks for my assassin.
Went ahead and got her 15k Imperial Armor which I found mixed with the FoW armor reasonably well, also just got her a set of tormented daggers which to my surprise matched the purple I already had nicely!