Before You Read/Disclaimer This is a fan-fiction or adaptation of Guild Wars, any characters mentioned that are directly from the game are property of Arena Net, any other characters that are not from the game itself and are not my own creations are copyrighted their respective creators or owners. This is the story before the Guild Wars saga begins, even before Ascalon, before the searing, and before Ascalon needed to build the Great Northern Wall. I do hope this adaptation/fan-fiction is enjoyed and any mistakes in name spellings of any in-game characters or places, I would appreciate it if someone would point them out to me. Comments, suggestions and reviews are more than welcome. Thank you and please enjoy the first part of the story of my character… *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Guild Wars – Memoir Series Adaria Esuri As a young girl at the age of twelve years old, life in the Kingdom of Ascalon was peaceful. Adaria, a unique girl, with dark brown hair tied into two or three small ponytails, hair with lightened streaks in it, bright blue eyes filled with joy and hope, and a pale complexion that made her more beautiful than most girls her age, lived in a small village just outside of Ashford Abbey in Lakeside County. She lived with her parents, plain and simple people that they were, but unknown to herself; she was more than an ordinary girl. Adaria explored the region around her home, the lake where the Skale population was almost out of control, the road from Ashford Abbey to the great Ascalon City, and even the fields on the very skirt of Green Hills County. Adaria grew up happy, but in the year of her thirteenth birthday, a great tragedy struck her village like nothing before. The threats that befell the community were numerous at times, but nothing could prepare anyone for this. Adaria was on the road that led to Wizard’s Folly when it happened, fire poured from the sky onto her village in a few remote areas. Adaria ran as fast as she could go to get home. Devona, the guardian of the village, and the Ascalon guards that had accompanied her, could not stop the flames in time. Adaria’s parents were gone, consumed by the flames almost instantly along with one other of the village, father to a two year old named Gwen who lived next door. None in the village knew what had caused such an unusual occurrence, and Adaria was scarred and broken, having lost both of her parents. Gwen had lost her father, while she and her mother had been picking flowers across the road that led to Ashford Abbey. Adaria rummaged through the ashes that were left of her wood and straw home and found only one thing left, an iron wand that had survived with only a few scorch marks that could easily be removed. Adaria inspected the wand over and on the head of it saw the familiar crest of her ancient family which was said to be marked on those who had great elementalist skill and powers inherited into them. Adaria glanced at her own hand where the same mark was, though faintly, in her skin itself. Adaria knew she couldn’t bring her parents back, but she knew the rumors of her ancestors, but her mother hadn’t told her that she herself was destined to be a great elementalist by nature like those of her past. Having learned this, Adaria lived on the edge of her village until the year she turned twenty two, when the true state of the kingdom of Ascalon was revealed when the Charr forced the king of Ascalon to build the Great Northern wall to keep the reptilian forces at bay. Adaria, having nothing to lose, but all to gain, began to walk down the road from her village toward Ascalon City, hoping to find a trainer there who could help her grow and learn anew, so that she herself may help the state of Ascalon, and make her family name known through the lands of Tyria as the great Elementalist. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** This is where our story truly begins, where the journey really starts for Adaria. The state of Ascalon will grow grim, we are all aware of this, but will this girl, in her singular being, be able to make any sort of difference as inexperienced as she is? I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter in what I am now going to call the Guild Wars Memoir Series, as I am going to add my other characters to this in various points from their own views, perhaps later in the story of Adaria, but just the same, from their own point of view. Suggestions and Comments are welcome, just send me an email at, please no spam, I hate spam…