The murrsats home
Heyah Guys/Gals, Im thinking about making an RP--- Here is the background
We can have ten people in this, so sign up before its to late
People in so far:
Defender Of Orth
The Murrsat have retreated back to there kingdom of "Murlantox" and are severly weekend, the white mantal have been replaced with a new group "The Order Of The Phoniex" the seers, come to find out, were just using the humans to weaken the murrsat so they could take over Tyria, and Murlantox, so now, being out skilled, classed, numbered, we are hit by suprise while still recovering from the Charr, The Dwarves Civil War still rages, and the Stone Summit are about to destory the Shiverpeak Dwarves off for good, Suddenly, one day in Ascalon, the Seers swarmed over the town, Killing everyone, The king, being a brave and foolish man tried to kill one only to be killed and turned into an "Everlasting Minion" Also known as the white mantal...
They also attacked Lions Arch, Survivors from Lions Arch and Ascalon have retreated to the "Henge Of Denravi" and are decideing what to do, there are many sick and hungry, and 10 armed heroes are standing around a campfire, discussing what to do...
So, you are one of the few that escape the attacks on the towns,and it is up to you to stop them, its grim odds, but your our only chance...