I really love this psuedo-hockey deathmatch game called Hyperblade... I remember my uncle giving it to me, as it was bundled with his l337 Diamond Rage Pro Video Card (or something similar)... honestly, the first time I played it, I wanted to throw up because the game is so disorienting... but once I got the controls down, I kicked so much ass and had the time of my life playing it, lol. I felt like a Jedi or something cause no one else could ever play the game... they said it was too fast and it made them ill to watch. Possibly my fav. sports game ever, I think.
Call me stupid, tasteless, or whatever you want, but somehow I found enjoyment in a Dungeon Siege.. lol... until I beat it, and then I never wanted to play it again. By the end, it was a war of attrition.
Freedom Fighters. Seriously, I think this is one of the most under-rated games of the past couple years. This is a solid little game that can be found for rock bottom prices. The gameplay manages to keep itself fresh and entertaining and the control scheme is outrageously easy. It offers a good challenge, while retaining a "non-frustration value". I like "what if" games and I love a good game with Russians, lol. It plays like countless other games out there, but there was just something about it that I enjoyed. It's a little short, but I recommend it to anyone.
Duke Nukem: Manhatten Project. I really can't say much of this game because I've only played the demo, lol, but if the demo is any indication of what the rest of the game is like... then it's probably pretty solid. Anyone ever try it? Possibly they could inform us of how it actually is? I'm curious.
I hear of mixed reviews for Mafia, but I love this game. Not to be mistaken for a GTA Clone, it is a good game with a few frustrating missions but has a competant story with good voice acting. Also, the ending is actually good... something that is somewhat of a rarity in games.
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