Money S(t)inks
The Devs definetly had good intentions, I mean the game is excellent. Well produced and consistent, it's fun. But the Devs forgot about the 1337 har|oC0r3!!!111oneshift.
So we have people already with the best items in the game, and this game has barely been out a month. And now I'm getting a temptation to go back to WoW.
Because the fact is Money does indeed Stink in guild wars, because there are no money sinks or not enough at any rate, the game is too easily finished. I'm not sticking around to grind every skill. As soon as the game gets dull, I'm outta here.
My suggestion is to drop this "Skill not hours" BS and get in that Uber Flame Sword of Winged Destruction with +100 Damage, oh and while they're there, raise the level cap, not to 30, but to 100. OK this is madness, but it's the Sanatarium. I don't want to go back to WoW really Mr. NCSoft, but I have to feed my RPG addiction.