“Hi my name is Chris Groom and I am a student at Lancaster University on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology course (email [email protected]). I am doing a study into the effects of online game playing on lifestyle factors and general health in men aged 18-40, which involves filling in some questionnaires. All participation is voluntary and participants can withdraw from the study at any time. If you are a man in that age group who plays MMORPG’s regularly, and this sounds interesting please go to the following website for more details.” http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=99232690777
Your question 3 regarding "Do you prefer excitement of gaming to intimacy with your partner?" is an empty question if you don't happen to be in a relationship. However the interviewee is required to answer the question. Results will invariably be rendered meaningless.
true - but these are standarised assessments - you can't edit them without compromising their integrity however there is an earlier question that asks about relationhsip status