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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:17 PM // 20:17   #1
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Default OMFG! This scares the hell out of me

Never thought I'd see something like this for someone not having a libary card with them. It is not funny so please don't be jerks in response to this like some of the people at YouTube are. Maybe read the comments too, some people suggest this kid should be shot :shocked: . Think this through and discuss please. I know this is political but someone had to post this. Those screams are haunting.

Edit: I guess this will get closed soon. At lease some of you will have seen it.

Edit: I posted this over at The Guild Hall
It's in the serious discussion forum there you can discuss it there.

Last edited by Divinitys Creature; Nov 16, 2006 at 08:26 PM // 20:26..
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:30 PM // 20:30   #2
Furnace Stoker
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I don't really care about how idiotic some peoples can get. I think this fool deserve it and the cops didn't do nothing wrong at all. First rule with police is NEVER resist arrest. Follow what they're telling you or else you'll be brought down the hard way like this moron did.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:32 PM // 20:32   #3
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I got tazered twice in different occasions because I was on the right place on the wrong time. I got compensated though. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:35 PM // 20:35   #4
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The video clearly showed a man who is not stable in the mind and trying to fight the police for something as dumb as showing his ID. He deserved getting tazer.

As for me, i never got tazer, maced before.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:39 PM // 20:39   #5
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It wasn't the tazer that shoots a cable, it was the melee-range one. So it's only 1 shock.

The student got tazered with the cable one.

Also, those cops are pretty stupid: First they tazer him, and disable his nerve system, and then they ask him to stand up...GG. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:43 PM // 20:43   #6
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Poor UCLA Police, this is another incident that would make LAPD looked like a jackass!
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:47 PM // 20:47   #7
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but yea he should have been able to stand up after they tasered him cuz it dosnt last that long...
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:49 PM // 20:49   #8
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This would never happen where I live.

Tookis Elite, he got overtazered ( like 5 times ). He really should be paralyzed. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:56 PM // 20:56   #9
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You'd be weak, but you could still function after a tazer shot. If an electrical shock were to completely paralize you without being still flowing through you, you'd be dead already.

Sure the shock would hurt like hell, but you'd still be able to walk after a few moments after the shock was done. All the electricity does is force your muscles to contract and relax extremely fast depending on the type of shock.

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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:24 PM // 21:24   #10
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Wow that is crazy... uncalled for on everyones part imo.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:54 PM // 21:54   #11
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Paralyzed of pain. It happens. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Nov 16, 2006, 11:36 PM // 23:36   #12
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Those cops are lucky they dont live in The Netherlands, if this would happen at the school where i used to go to, they (the cops) would probably lying in a hospital right now.

This is why i really like living here, we have a lot more freedom here, and no (or at least 90% less) cops who are abusing their power like that. And i think they aren't even allowed to wear tasers anyway.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 12:07 AM // 00:07   #13
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The idiot should have done as he was told.

They need that kind of law enforcement here in the UK.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 12:22 AM // 00:22   #14
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Okay, regardless of whether or not the tasering would left him paralyzed or whether or not he deserved it, repeating "Stand up!" over and over is not going to do anything. The police should have been smart enough to realize that he clearly wasn't going to comply and rather than try to force him to, should have done something else. Maybe try giving him some space? Really though. They were out of line.

And yeah like someone said, tasering someone is not the correct way to make someone stand up.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 12:24 AM // 00:24   #15
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there was a news report on this, don't know what those cops were thinking

Edit: sorry about the audio, its way off. I didn't film this BTW

Last edited by Daedra Slayer; Nov 17, 2006 at 12:27 AM // 00:27..
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 12:28 AM // 00:28   #16
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Kid is lucky that he didn't try to attacked the officers. That would only make things worst as cops might have to use handgun to stop him.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 01:41 AM // 01:41   #17
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Bah when you said scary I thought you were talking about those pop up shat things.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 06:41 AM // 06:41   #18
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Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
Kid is lucky that he didn't try to attacked the officers. That would only make things worst as cops might have to use handgun to stop him.
That would have been murder, and I rather doubt the police would have done so. As it stands, from watching the video it looks like a pretty apparent abuse of power. Going limp cannot be held to be "resisting" by any standard.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 07:17 AM // 07:17   #19
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I hope you all learned your lesson kids, reading kills.

Call me a crazy Canadian, but I think if something like that happend where I live we would have opened up a can of whoop-ass on those power abusing morons.... Through our legal system of course...

Unless the dude with the hard to say name was actually showing signs of being a threat no force of that extreme should have been taken at all.
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Old Nov 17, 2006, 09:35 AM // 09:35   #20
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Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
Unless the dude with the hard to say name was actually showing signs of being a threat no force of that extreme should have been taken at all.
Welcome to the LAPD.
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