Abbadon: literally destruction embodied, first featured as a daimon, or Hebrew spirit. Daimon does not entail good or evil, merely not human. Angels, djinn, and elementals all would fall into this category.
As Apollyon: Once again, destruction's embodiment, also now referenced as a fallen angel in the employ of Lucifer, once Lucifel, brightest of the angels, until he sought to exalt himself above God and was cast out.
As ingame fodder, Abbadon is a perfect choice, as it fits the area, the god's sphere of influence (breaking ****) and the story in which it is told. When creating a story, it is often advantageous to use terms and names with which we have some familiarity, as it makes us feel as though it could actually happen, or that we are experiencing something that's just past the doors of our reality, but close enough to view. Examples here would be the FF series, where the references are too many to list.
In closing, though I can go further on the subject, think of it as a grounding point for the story. We've heard the name somewhere, we know it's a bad thing, and now here it it. Go kill it.
Greek, Hebrew, and Latin in college FTW!