Or better yet, any Euro playing? As I don't know how much this is interesting to non euros as it involves European medieval kingdoms.
If you do can you post nick you use there.
The game doesn't take a lot of my time (unless you want to spend more ofc) so I can play it now that I can't play GW heh (GW takes more time).
www.renaissancekingdoms.com (and if you don't have acc yet but want to check out, type "Poganin" as sponsor pls)
The game is web-based and translated into a lot of other languages so make sure you pick your country first and then create char, otherwise you'll end up in UK/Scotland by default.
..as new people come new towns are added as well as new kingdoms. Newer kingdoms are not connected yet with roads, so they have time to build up first (which means you can start in that kingdom, but you can't travel to it yet if you start elsewhere).