Untitled Number [ONE] - PvE/Farming/Title Farming
Untitled Number was originally set up 11 months ago by key members of a former guild LDA, which was disbanded when the leader mysteriously disappeared.
Since day one, our number of members has increased rapidly and we are currently maintaining about 65 active members. It is not uncommon for 40 people to be online within a 24 hour period.
Contrary to the guild name, many of the current members are very interested in title hunting and there is always a lot of advice/help around, especially if you are looking to do titles such as Protector, Guardian and Vanquisher.
In addition to this, we are also quite interested in farming (like most PvE guilds really) and a large number of members are fluent in popular farming, high end PvE places such as UW and FoW.
For this reason, we are looking to recruit likeminded players who already have experience and understand how the game works, and be quite fluent with one (if not more..) professions.
The guild itself is luxon allied and members are mainly European - most are online between 6-11pm. We do have a TS server and guild forums have recently been recreated. The guild has no strick rules; we generally find that most people who do not act accordingly are not suitable for the guild.
If you would like to know any more information, in addition to what I have said here, dont hesitate to PM (IGN Athrun Feya).