[sCex] Recruiting
This is probably my final try to establish a guild with decent players and good attitudes. Well, looking to establish core so we're pretty much in need of everything, plus a couple backups.We will be running balance btw .So as of now we need:
1-Warrior(lookin for tactics caller)
1 Ranger(common sense required)
1 Mesmer
2-3 Monks(got a prot, need a Healer and a backup)
1 Flagger(must be capable of running various flagger builds)
Would like if midline is versatile and capable of running various positions, ya know just incase. But just really wanna get a good core group going and develop some nice chemistry and climb the ladder. No req really needed, but titles never hurt. All asked of you is that you know how to use your head, and play your position without having to be coached.Once players are recruited and core is established we will set a GvG Time that is suitable for everyone. Also, ask that you are able to handle constructive criticism. Thanx! Will update accordingly.
So those who are interested post ur info in this thread or pm me in game at Dee Hood or Dee Pvps Irl or Samurai Sin