[Wild Rovers] - Recruiting anyone!
We're a newer, growing guild that has 20 members. We are growing fast! We don't quite yet have a full guild hall, but we are getting there.
We are recruiting anyone, but we are in desperate need of more seasoned players. As long as you are a mature and helpful player, you are welcome to be a Wild Rover.
We are Kurzick, and seeking an alliance after the last one didn't quite work out.
We do FFF/AB/PVE/HM MISSIONS AND VANQUISHING on an unscheduled basis. We have a weekly prize giveaway every Friday night and we are going to start doing weekly elite mission runs very shorty. We also just set up our forums board.
But most of all, if you are looking to play Guild Wars in a fun, relaxed atmosphere, this guild is perfect for you. Did I mention our cape is awesome?
PM me in-game if you're interested in joining. My in-game name is Apophis Kuhr. You can also e-mail me at palovana (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks everyone, and see you on the battlefield.