PuG gvg Guild
Hey everyone, I just started up a guild called We Have More Friends On Myspace [iPuG]
My goal with this guild is to have a fairly decent number of players with varying experience and just pugpugpug. basically if 4 are on we'll grab guests and play! I'm not too worried about builds or anything, I'm just sick of being bored waiting for myself to get guested or for my Primary account's guild to gvg.
Please contact me via this thread, PM, or IGN Phoenix Curatio or Phoenix Lettarum
A bit about myself, I have roughly 2 years of gvg experience, I have played for several top ranked guilds and have countless experience in 200ish rank gvgs. Currently my main account is playing in BANG. hope to get some interest for either guests for my new project or more importantly members!