Zaishen Masters [ZM] Recruiting
Zaishen Masters [ZM] is a laid back, mainly PvE, guild looking to gain activity.
We are a UK Guild.
We Have A Cool Cape.
We Have A Full Guild Hall (Isle of Meditation)
We Are Luxon
We do AB
We are looking to become a PvP and PvE guild and we are starting to get into GvG.
We have a forum website.
The guild used to be very active but some of the players stopped playing after 2 years (we have 22 members but around 50% arent regularly active) . We're now recruting to get active, dedicated players help get us back to that state of activity we once had.
Once we have got back to a state of activity we shall create the "Zaishen Alliance" (PM me for more details on this).
If you need any more info or wish to join PM me or whisper me In Game @: Ashley H
Thank You.