{Wolf} The Elite Wolves
Wolf is a High end PVE/PVP guild. We focus on team work, and helping our newer/in-experienced members. We have a vent server, web site and forums. Must be 18+ and have vent.
We are looking for PVP members who:
- AB, TA, HA, and would like to help us start GvG
- Mature (Joking is mostly welcome)
- Know your character/s in and out
- Know what team dynamics are and how to play in the team
- Knows grace in losing
We are looking for PVE members who:
- Like to run FOW, UW & other NM or HM elite/regular missions
- Like to farm (55, etc.. builds)
- Know your character/s in and out
- Know how to play in a team
- Mature (Joking is mostly welcome)
We don't tolerate:
- Grief
- Rage quiting
- Superiority complexes
If interested hop on our vent IP: Port:6116 Pass:wolves, and we will conduct an open interview with you.