Lives Will Be Lost[Pros] Now Recruiting
Fresh new guild (KURZICK) started by me and a friend from school. We are currently looking for TA/ABer's mainly for ranking up. we are laid back, but are hardcore pvper's at the same time.
Players need to have at least g2+, but g1 is acceptable. also r4+ kurz is nice.
be prepared to learn each of our playstyles. it may get frustrating at first, that's what teamwork is for.
Active players are a must. i'm on pretty much everyday of the week, sometimes all day sometimes late at night, but im usually on at sometime during the day. you need to be on at least 3-4 days a week in order to stay in. me and my friend are seniors in high school, so we wont be on early morning weekdays.
time zones dont really matter here, but perferably eastern/pacific(US/Canada)
My IGN is stealth bomberman, my friend is Emperor leung. hit us up anytime if u need more details.