Good Gales[Down] recruiting GvG players
Good Gales is looking for more experienced GvG players to add to our team. Our guild is a remake of Vesuvian Doppelgankers[VoD] a former top 100 guild that stayed between r35-r80ish during the last Faction ladder season. Before that we were known as Guild of Harmony[GoH] another top 100 guild from a time before [VoD]. However this is of little importance, as the times have changed. As stated above we're looking for experienced GvG players that are able to communicate and think for themselves as well as taking orders. Ventrilo/teamspeak is mandatory of course(duh...). We're situated around Europe and currently we play on the appropriate times for european players. Our guild currently consist of old [VoD] players, numbering 5 in total and we're currently looking for atleast 4-5 more players. If you are intrested send me a PM or contact me through my ingame nick: Makr Karyon.
What we're looking for:
- Some GvG Experience
- Mature Player
- Have a most skills unlocked to play atleast 2-3 different professions
- Mic+Ventrilo/Teamspeak
- Able to play GvG daily at and after 7pm gmt+1
Think that's about it...
Makr Karyon - Skeleton of Vesuvian Doppelgankers