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Old Feb 24, 2010, 01:58 AM // 01:58   #1
Desert Nomad
KiyaKoreena's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: USA
Guild: Kirins of Holy Light
Profession: N/

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Default Kirins of Holy Light [聖光麒麟] : A casual Kurzick guild

Kirins of Holy Light is looking for new member to enjoy the rest of GW1 and head into GW2 with!

Kirins is a casual PvE guild: we play for fun and let everyone go at their own speed. The majority of our members are rather self sufficient but we do enjoy teaming when we can. Members are free to focus on the parts of the game they like best, we have no demands for playing certain areas more than others. Most outings are done on the fly to whatever suits our moods at the time. Our guild has been going for well over 3 years now and we have begun rebuilding an alliance of players that share our enjoyment of the game. There is no mandatory attendance requirement; members will stay on the roster until space is needed. We have some great players that go absent for months at a time but we always welcome them back and want keep the door open for returnees in GW2.

What we ask:
* Be courteous to others.
* Be willing to help others progress in the game when able to.
* Be social and join in to guild and alliance chats and activities.
* Understand that real life does take precedence. Some members have children so an understanding that breaks are needed when least expected is necessary.
* Do not use leetspeak or abuse the English language. This is important. "U" "O" "C" "Y" and "R" are letters, not words.
* Do not beg for money and items. We believe in the "Teach a man to fish" approach to gaining possessions and position in the game.

Guild member tend to be college aged or higher. It is expected that members do their best to follow our guidelines, thats why we have them. Most of our guildies are in the US or Canada and activity tends to be in the evenings (though we do have some daytime players). We have guild forums and website available as well as a small Ventrilo server.

To apply visit or if you have more questions pm Koreena Anchalis, Avy Scott, or Tkd Spartan.
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