WuW | Primeval Alliance | Kurz | recruiting
Primeval Alliance.
No fancy introduction or history about this alliance. We have a solid core of experienced and knowledgeable officers and members who have been playing for a 3+ years. We really dabble in a little bit of everything - DoA, DTSC, dungeon runs, SoOSC, FoW, etc. We have a wide range of intersts and helpful officers and members.
We have a full site and ventrilo for anyone and everyone in the alliance to use.
We currently have 3 guilds in our alliance.. we are rebuilding our alliance and are not faction hungry so there is no real faction requirement. We do however do a lot of DTSC during double point weekends.
Only requirments are that your guild is active (play a least a few times a week) and that you are MATURE and can handle some profanity here and there
If we sound like an alliance you could fit in with, please PM me your IGN and info.
My IGN: Azalea Roe