[TRUE] looking for active kurzick guilds
We are currently looking for active kurzick guilds to join our alliance. we are 9/10 and most of the guilds have gone inactive and need to be replaced. Let me get this out of the way ahead of time... We DO NOT do speed clears, so if you are looking for a speed clear alliance only, don't bother please. We are a pve guild/alliance and we get into whatever we can in pve. We are looking for guilds that are interested in the same things, title grinding, farming, missions, HM, elite areas. Although we are not looking for guilds full of people that refuse to include others in their activities sometimes. There are no member requirements to be in our alliance, you can have 10 members, as long as they are active, we don't care. If you are interested in joining our alliance then pm me In Game only.
IGN: Morbidium The Lame