Ice Slayer Clan seeking players thru to GW2
The Ice Slayer Clan [ISC] is looking for like minded players thru to Guild Wars 2. We are an established Luxon guild with approximately 60 members. What we have to offer is strong leadership and commitment. A fun, laid back place with no drama. A place where you know the other players, and can concentrate on your game. Don't stop playing Guild Wars. Play it the way you want to. And get ready for GW2.
You can drop me a message here on Guru, but I usually only check back once a day. Your best bet is to PM in game, in confidence, to "Master Ice Slayer", "Angel Ice Slayer", "Dhara Raj", "Waffle Tales", "Kull Big Rough Monk", "Dwaffy Elpinor", "Voodyia Koodoo", "Quest To Glory" or "Assasin Mirrior" for more details.