Victory Is A Four Letter Word [quit]
[quit] (rank 700~) is recruiting 18+ players for RA syncs, HA (Especially for the 2x Fame weekend), and GvG.
We're welcome to experienced players looking for a more relaxed environment, or new players looking to learn.
No requirement for RA or HA, but we have a g5/c1+ standard for the GvG team. Of course, there are exceptions for players without the ranks, but with skill.
[quit] is a part of the Pillars Of The Earth [ROCK] alliance, and the leadership of [quit] came from within [ROCK] and [aYe], another guild in the alliance, to bring focus to the PvP players of the mainly PvE alliance.
For information, contact myself (Vladimir Khrushchev), or the co-lead Sevarius Gray.