1. In game name for recruiter or player.: Dewer One
2. Type of guild/player being sought. Be as specific as possible.
I'm looking for a guild in which PvE help is available on Nightfall and in which PvP is an element of the guild.
3. Any specific requirements, such as required rank, titles, etc.
4. Playtime for guild/players sought. Please include GMT conversion, such as 9PM PST (-8 GMT).
I'm UK GMT, generally free-er in the evenings.
5. A brief description of the player.
I really enjoy competitive gameplay but also need to do lots of PvE to get my skills for PvP. I'm a strong gamer, played most games that have seen sunlight since 1990 :P Played WoW for a while...then realised it was eating my soul and stopped.