Ferocious fun from large PVE desired
Greetings All!
I am excitedly guild shopping. <<Jumps up, “Pick me pick me!”
About you;
Most of all friendly, mature, camaraderie. Now everyone says this but what does it really mean? Something different to each player I suppose. I would rather repeat a mission 5 times with guildies than play alone.
I would rather play alone than clear FoE with guildies that r rude, impatient or whiney with each other.
And since racism, sexism, homophobia, elitism etc r way beyond rude, they r defiantly out. Nuf said.
So anyway…
A large (70- 99), and active guild with strong alliances to other active guilds.
Lots of pve in hard mode, end game missions and title completion. Its meeting the hardest challenge with brains and team work I crave.
Happy go lucky guild or alliance activities like treasure hunts, contests or giving greens and golds to level 3 players in Ascalon city.
Never losing sight of the fact that GW is a game and RL of course comes first. On the other hand I usually log 15 plus hours a week on GW.
Some pvp too, though I have not done much of it.
I am a woman and I would like to play in a guild where with aprox 20% or more women members.
A guild with a range of ages, but especially 30+ players would be cool.
About me;
I have one of each class characters, Izzy, the warrior (I am nuts about Izzy, such a fun gal ), has the most xp, close to 3 mil. The monk, who is fair at 55, close to a mil. I love my new paragon too.
Nightfall is my current fav, but GW EN is fun so far too.
I read Guildwiki a lot, and have been loving HM solo farming builds that they suggest.
Lately I have been spending all my hard earned gold buying skills for everyone, I don’t have them all yet, light on assassin, but I am getting close.
My last guilds were smaller, very cozy, too cozy in fact, inside guild romance and break ups broke the guild apart too. I have nothing against romances I love romance, just keep public space friendly… regardless.
I work odd hour and often on short notice, so availability varies wildly.
I am on the west coast of the usa and, sadly, i am mono lingual, but i will happily join any speaking english guild based in any country.