Looking for a laid back, mature guild
Hi, I am new to GW, been playing about a month, I find the game cool and have enjoyed most of the pve and the pvp arenas.
I come here from WOW, I played there for 3 yrs +...beta, stress and live. I got very bored recently and decided it was time for a new experience.
I PvP'd heavily in WOW and made rank 13, Warlord with over 100k honorable kills.
I played FFX1 for 5 months but the lack of PvP made the game boring.
I played Shadowbane from its release to about the 2 yr mark. I was an officer in my guild and enjoyed the FFA PVP.
I am mature female, living in NYC, will use vent if i must. I take my time learning game mechanics, class mechanics and am pretty self reliant. I play every day in the early mornings, some afternoons and almost every evening ( no life )
I enjoy PVP first and PvE second.
I enjoy being a respectable forum troll and have always used the forums as part of my gaming experience.
My in game name is Gerly Rebourne
Gerly is my main atm.
Thank you in advance for your interest.