Looking for Dungeons/DoA/Elite-Mishs Guild
Well, i'm looking for a guild that is focused on doing DoA, raiding Dungeons (Slaver's Exile prefered) and does the Elite missions (not that important, doesnt rlly matter if not).
I'm a dedicated Monk, can play war as well, though that one still isnt through EotN. Ofc i own all 3 campaigns. I'd say i'm friendly and helpful as long as the others are the same. Being asked to help but never being helped yourself all the time kind of grinds on my nerves.
I'd hope the guild to be active on the weekends (i can only play on weekends, but thats when i'm online 24h ^^), friendly, not too big and the usual stuff.
If someone has a guild thats fitting, whisp me. IGN Sylv Le Cross