LFG Due to Shift Change
I'm looking for a very active Euro guild/alliance that is on around 14:00hr (GMT) give or take a couple of hours. I am American, but work the swing shift 3pm CST so my day starts at 9am with that being my awake and free time.
I have all three campaigns, enjoy being active in the guild and chatting it up a lot.
I am looking for a guild that has an active TS/Vent server, I don't care if it is soli guild or an alliance server as long as I have people to talk with.
I promise that I am not a mooch, nor do I have tolerance for such people/players.
If age matters, I am old enough that I have two children that are toddlers.
I am a friend of the Kurzicks and would perfer a Kurz allied guild, but I'm not closed minded to change either.
I have no issue with forums (obviously).
I would prefer that the guild have at least 10+ people active every night at their peak time, and be in an active alliance, having a full alliance is useless if 7 of the guilds only have two members in them.
I know that Quantity doesn't beat Quality.. but quantity does give you a better chance of finding a group with in your guild/alliance that is up for and/or into what you want to do/accomplish.
you know the rules.. PM me here or whisper Charlie A Weasley or Xanatos De Creon (two different accounts)