5-6 former GVGers looking for new home
Hi all,
I'm speaking on behalf of 5-6 former GVGers looking to move our guild into a GVG alliance. We are all 25-30 years old, intelligent, and mature. We all have Ch 1/2/3/4 unlocks, ventrilo and teamspeak with mics, and are looking to GVG only 1-2 times a week due to the fact that we have jobs, wives, kids, etc. 3 of us were Alpha testers for GW and have a lot of experience with the game.
It's true that we don't play with "hardcore" frequency anymore, but think of it this way: we can easily send over 1-3 guys any given night to plug your holes in GVG (we play every profession), can send over an entire half of a split team build (3-4 guys who know each other's playstyles extremely well), won't fight anyone in your existing guild for "core" slots, and definitely won't cause any drama or get involved in politics. We are just a bunch of intellectuals who enjoy team play, strategy, and having fun in our limited time.
If any GVG alliance is willing to take us in (or any GVG guild in the same boat looking to merge... 5-6 mature players looking to reduce the nightly/weekly strain of finding/begging guests to GVG), please send a msg here, or pm in-game "Hooded Fang"
Thank you,