Looking for GvG/Ha Guild.
I am currently looking for a gvg/ha guild. I am experienced at frontline (very), and can also do backline. I have currently these titles. As i do not pursue titles very often, they aren't very high.
Friend Of Kurzick
R1 (48fame)
Tyrian Exploration Title: 56.0% (The first title for exploration is 60%)
Canthan Exploration Title: 43.5% (Same as above)
Here is some further information:
Completed Prophicies.
On gate of madness in nightfall (second last mission)
On unwaking waters in factions (very close to the end)
238,129 faction, i have played for over a year, there was a period of 4 months when my internet was down.
For further information, contact me on game on this account:
Harmony And Healing.
Enzone Vantoborn
The sythe Holder
Hansomoon Volo
Fire Of All Dragons
If i am not on any of the above characters, i am either on my pvp characters, or offline. If this occurs (which is very rare) then please add me to your friends menu, and contact me later. =p