I'm looking for a guild were you can have fun , BUT were there can be played
seriously to . I'm good in PvE , but not so good in PvP ( Thats what I wanne learn).
I can help ( play) in ALL the continents.
I like to help other people , but I like it to be helped to
My main charr. = My Warrior= Spike Axe
I have other characters like :
Monk = Wispers of Healing ( Not played mutch+bad skills but can be used)
Derv=Protecter of Elona ( PLayed+Good Skills can be used )
Rit=Channeling Joketsu ( Played+Good Skills can be used )
Rang=Princes of Arrows (Not played mutch+Good Skills Can be used )
Ele=Fire Dojo (Not played mutch+Good Skills Can be used )
Sin=Dont feel Pain (! Not Played !+ not that good skill CAN'T be used )
I'm a little bit armor freaky
Olmost each of my characters has an Elite armor
Personal stuff : My name is Dorian ( nickname : Dojo )
I'm 13 Years old ( Yeah i know , ....)
I'm from Belgium ( I speak Dutch as main language !! )
I Played GW for 16 months .
Normaly I'm each day onnline.
European Guild or American Guild It's all the same !
Just want to be in a Nice guild where they speak English or Dutch