Looking For A Guild. :D :D :D
Hey people, I'm looking for a guild where people talk, a LOT. See, I've been playing guildwars for about 3 months now and I've been in a few guilds, Some friends, others random people. Reasons I left those guilds was either becuase we got into a fight or got inactive or, blah blah blah, Dosen't really matter. I noticed that guildwars gets to be a LOT more fun and addictive when im in a guild that has cool funny and fun people in it, I like talking with people in guild chat equally as much as I like playing guild wars, Like PvP, PvE, Framing and stuff. So please, If you a leader or an officer in a really chatty fun friendly and NOT too big guild, Let me know. I'm not looking for a guild that has more officers than members, or a guild that has more than 50 people. I want a guild that we can all talk in and be heard and just have fun, Please add me to your friends list if you have a guild like this, My ingame name is Terago Lean, I'll be waiting to hear from somone soon. Thanks for reading. (Sorry about typos if there are any, I'm in a rush and I'm not going to spell check.)