Looking for an active guild
I'm looking for a new guild where people actually talk. I've been playing Guild Wars for about 2 and a half years now and I've been in several guilds.I want to leave my current guild because the guild is not talkative, don't appreciate mesmers, and don't do ANY PvP (I would like to attempt GvG and Alliance Battles). I like talking with people in guild chat equally as much as I like playing. I prefer larger guilds, with a strong kruzick alliances as there tends to be alot more going on. I have a 10 slot vent server that a few of my mates use, which I could manage for a guild. I'm willing to help out any player in PvE, and i'm very enthusiastic to learn to play PvP well. My in-game name is Halfwhit Quickspell, or you can contact me on Xfire at Halfwhit.
Thanks in advance,