Looking for euro based GvG guild
Age: 20
IGN: Makr Karyon
Playtimes : Around 18:00 GMT - 02:00 GMT
Past guilds:
- Guild of Harmony [GoH.]- Rank 70ish - Disbanded
- Vesuvian Doppelgankers[VoD] - Rank 60ish - Disbanded
- We Need A[Nerf] - Rank 40ish - Smurf/Disbanded
- Good Gales[down] - 300ish - Disbanded
- Buffed Fighters[nerf] - 300-1000+ - Lots of drama and stuff so I left
The profs I can play:
- Warrior (Mostly experienced with)
- Dervish (Played it to a certain degree)
- Elementalist (Played it quite alot, mainly bsurge)
- Mesmer (Used to be my main)
- Paragon (Played it to quite a few times)
Additional Information:
Rank 6 Hero Title (1400 fame)
Champ Points: 12
2 Million Balthazar Factions, UAX
Have Ventrilo 3.0 and Vent mix and Ventrilo server (3.0)
I'm currently looking for a guild within the top 300 area, patient and relaxed. But still looking to play somewhat seriously, hopefully also doing ATs.
Can't think of anything else to put here so...other than I drink alot of milk each day to stay strong :P