T's LF Guests!
IGN: T Equals F T W/ T Ranger T
Balth Faction: 1,052,750
Play Times, Pacific [Gmt -8]5:30-8:00 Weekends I play more
In Game Age: 1951 over 30 months.
Age: 14 (mature)
# GvGs: 150+
Position: Ele (Would LOVE to learn Ranger)
Past Notible Guilds
Ups Ur [baed] Core B-surge Peaked around 600
Contemplation of Nubity [Nubz] Core Ele reform of [baed] didn't do so hot
Other Notes
I'm a player that wants to learn and be the best I can be, I may not be the most expierienced players but I'm one of the most willing to learn
Lain Alil
Lain Ele Alil
Taoh Rider X
Brian The Gladiator