Looking for daily gvg/ha guild. No small alliances allowed.
Hello I am 18, and have been playing gw for just over a year. I have around 800K balth faction earned, and can/have played all bars used for pvp essentially. I am a good monk, good frontliner, good spike caller, ect ect.
I used to lead a small gvg guild but i recently quit due to internal problems, like not having our 8 show up every gvg time, and a person or two who i grew to dislike.
What i am looking for is a guild/alliance that can get me into a gvg at least a few times a week, and isn't full of nubs. I don't care if the guild is top 100 or n/a. As long as the players are good and we get to gvg frequently ill be happy. I can play all roles, so i am not worried about that. An alliance with a good amount of people to talk to, and a websight would be good too.
I have ts and vent + mic. I am American central time, but often play into the night due to college classes not starting till noon.
I have beaten every gw game but gwen, however i am working on gwen now. Pvp title wise i don't have anything to amasing to prove i am a good player however if you let me guest id gladly prove it, or heck take me to ta or anywhere.
I also have gotten into ha a lot recently so if you ha a ton lemme know.