Small guild looking to merge with relaxed fun guild
Got a fun guild that values a sense of humour and wants a few more players? Consider recruiting the Cult of Bog! A friend and I started a guild back when the game came out and watched it grow and shrink with the times; it's down to something like 4 active players now and I think it's time to move on. I and a few Bog members are looking for a new guild to hang out with.
Personally I play a smattering of everything in the game; it's been three years or something now and at various points i've been way into everything from FoW runs to ToPK/HA. Thing is though I have no work ethic about the game so for every week i spend PvPing nightly, there'll be a month where I don't log on at all. I know some guilds frown upon people who can't make schedules. Those guilds and I weren't meant for each other.
Anyway if your guild has a rad cape, plays American time zones, is restricted to (or almost entirely populated by) mature members, and doesn't mistake GWs for anything but a (really fun) game, gimme a yell.