Newish PvPer LF GvG/HA/TA Guild
Currently, i don't have any sort of ranks, but i'm well on my way to getting one and i'm willing to prove myself if possible.
I'd like to be a member in a GvG guild. Frontline is my best position thus far, but i guess i can play almost anything. I can do hammer + Axe builds and i do have experience in using them.
I do have the newest version of Ventrilo and a Mic, so i am able to keep communication.
I want an ACTIVELY PVP guild, not a deathly silent one. Also, i'd like it to be an English guild - i will turn down any American offers as i will not be able to play in your timezones regularly
I'm online 4pm-10pm mon -thurs + sunday, and online whenever - 12 midnight over friday and saturday.
Thanks for reading this.