Lf Ative PvE guild
I need an active PvE guild. Based around Vanquishing and Guardian titles. I enjoy the occasional farming but I am working on Vanquishing atm. It gets boring by myself.
I have been playing 2+ years. My main title hunter is an ele. I generally stay away from ursan. Only because I never bothered to get the skill. I have been in many guilds all claiming to be active and have tons of vanquishing groups going. I always find myself h/h all my vanquishes. Its not that I have a hard time with vanquishing but it is more enjoyable to talk to guildies and be able to screw around with people while I do it.
I am a very helpful person as far as helping people get things they need for armor or running them places. I enjoy helping people with missions and basic gw's questions. However I have a gaming life to and need time to do things for myself. I don't want to be asked to join and then be expected to help 100% of the time. Even though alot of guilds have expected that of me
I would prefer a guild with a decent maturity level. I don't care about making jokes and being stupid. BUT at the same time be mature and don't be a total a** hole. I can deal with not being allowed to curse. However I do curse and I don't think I should be limited because younger players in a guild. Thats why I would prefer a guild with age req of like 16 or so +. However I am very flexible on this because if it is a fun/nice guild I won't care that I have to restrain myself. I would like the guild to be a good size 60+ members would be nice. A vent server to allow us better communication would also be a plus.
I might sound picky but I truely want to find a guild that I can be happy in for along time. I want to finish my vanquisher and guardian titles up and I want some human interaction on this game. I have been h/h so long that it has made the game dull. If your guild sounds like it can please me. PLEASE PLEASE pm me in game or on guru. IGN Melony Songbringer