Hi, I am looking for a ha/ta based guild.
I am looking for a laid back guild that doesn't care about what we run. Balance hway sway iway any other fotm or spike. I am at the point it is just a game and I wana run stupid builds just to screw around and get a little fame at the same time.
I am r5 gotten through spikes/balance/alot of tainted hway.
I am currently working on my glad title and I am r0(have 68 points) cause I don't do it very often. I am in AB alot. r11 luxon r5 Kurz. I would prefer a luxon guild to finish up my title. However it isn't a big deal.
Just need a guild who will make groups to have fun. Not to rage on vent about how much someone sucks or this or that. I love to joke and screw around on vent.
Pm me in game at Sizzlin Hottt or on forums.
Last edited by Songbringer; Mar 08, 2008 at 09:09 PM // 21:09..