Rank 4 LFG
Well what can I say, I’m looking for a guild. Who am I? You could call me The Last Preacher, Master of the Paths, Orosen the Acolyte, Dawn of Sin, General Glako. TLP is my PVE Monk 15k armour dyed black, Dawn is my PVE Necro MM, General Glako PVE Paragon, Orosen PVE Rit Farmer, Motp some PVE Warrior. My PVP names change.
I’ve got all three campaigns and will be getting EotN very soon. Titles? My main one is Rank 4, about half way to Rank 5.
I’m looking for a fairly small but active guild. I would really like to start a new character and get the KOABD title before GW2. I’m happy playing most professions and eager for GVG, HA and AB.
Any more questions, just ask.