Looking for a non top 100 GvG guild !
Yes! seems every guild nowadays is top 100 then I'm not looking for one !
I just returned to GW after five months of in-activity, I consider myself a decent player a not bad one, sometimes bad though depends.
I played with lots of guilds, mostly Japanese and some EU guilds ranks variey from 500-top 50, references avilable upon requests.
I'm vocal only when needed I don't like to spam our voice commuincation with nonsense arguments, though I'm very talktive while not GvGing.
I'm alittle rusty I can't play monk nor mesmer, well mesmer may be, but the rest of classes I can play them, after all it's not a rocket science, give me time, I give a you a decent player, I'd like to play a seconed warrior if possible that would be awesome, I don't call spike/strat etc I'm not good at it unless the team well waite for me till I train !
I belive person die and stil knows nothing, so I accept teaching/constructive critism if deliverd on a good way, I can help with builds/forums etc, though I'm not a type of player who write an assay of 20 pages about which is better restfull breez or healing breez, or what kind of underware I should go while walking on bridges or while I cast mending, on another world it's a game I like to have fun but on a serious way !
Titles if you care about them:
r6 hero 1200 something fame
r4 gladiator 700 point something
2 mio something BF
total GvGs around 3k something
Screen shots avilable upon request.
I do PvE too, got seven charcters, warrior,monk,dervish,paragon,necro,ele and ranger, been on game since 32 months, age around 5000 hours, if we do good on GvG I can help you with all PvE stuff and may be give you an ecto :P
Guild I'm looking for:
1- 18+ 20+ is a plus, this condition is a "must" for me
2- not really new or reformed at least have some members in there I can waite to build but not for ever
3- GMT Euro or American or Asian I don't care as long as they play from 1 PM GMT till 10 PM GMT between those times is fine for me, weekend I'm out or I may play some PvE, yes I've a life but if there's something worthy I can show up on weekends.
4- non ego/eltiest/kiddish/whiny/ragers members or leader
5- non gimmick/spike meta builds, I prefer if we go 7v8 too !
Well that's about it,peace.
P.S: I wrote the above novel to limit Q&A and guilds at least have an idea what kind of player is dealing with.