LF mostly pvp TA, HA and some GVG guild
Hi guys!
As already said, im looking for active, big TA, HA and maybe some GvG guild (18+), because i want to do serious pvp now
im kinda new to the game, been playing for only 3 months but already have 400+ hours lol
My main is an ele ign Star Krestt, i beat all games except EotN, have few titles, just got into heavy pvp (ra and ta mostly, some ab) only last 2 weeks or so, but already have 250k+ balth, 350k+ faction.
Im a quick learner, beat prophecies within the first weak, getting first 15k armor the next, looking for a big active guild thats not too heavy on ranks but more on the fun aspect of guild wars.
Well, thanks for reading
PM or whisp ign "Star Krestt" or "A Leaf Falls" (my sin)