Everquest 2 player looking for guild
Hello to all kind enough to read this. I am a new player to GuildWars, but not new to MMO's. I have been playing EQ2 for a little less than a year now, and am really enjoying it...but I also need something to break it up from time to time. So I bought GuildWars as something I could play in the mornings, while I play EQ2 at night.
In EQ2 I belong to a smallish (30 player) guild, that is very active in helping each other with quests, and has a lot of chatter on the guild channel. I contribute as much as I can toward the guild and helping it grow. I am looking for something very similar in GuildWars.
A little about me, I bought the GuildWars Factions Platinum Edition, but started a Monk (level 5) in the Prophecies Chapter. I normally play healers, so I thought Monk would fit me. I'm still quite the noob though, so I would also like a guild that wouldn't mind teaching me a few things.
Anyway, I am in game as Kyttyn Swishtail, so if you think I might fit into your guild PM me here.