Tinny lf American GvG
IGN=The Tinny
Time Zone: Central GMT -6
I Play Frontline and Ranger
Banzai The Savior
Slecks Ftw
Kanyattas Illusion
Boarding Dewd
Sno Rider
Can't be on everyday due to my job (12 hour swing shift) but I will be able to provide the days I will not be able to be on aoubt a week in advance.
Past Guilds+Reasons for Leaving
The Gb Mafia [GBM]- (Leader) started it with some friends then I wanted to get in to GvG and they did not so I left to go join a GvG guild.
Fortis Primani [ROME]- (Officer) Peaked at 892 (that i can prove, believe that it went higher) while i was in it-left to go back to [GBM] because my friends wanted to start GvG now and they need one player with experience. Played Ranger and ran some flag here
The Gb Mafia [GBM]-again-(Leader) Left because most of the core GvG team has gone inactive and atm we only have 2 of the core left and the rest of the ppl in the guild are just PvErs. Ran Warrior
Dark Wing Cadre [DWC]-(Officer) Rank around 474 Ran Warrior
Dead Puppies [YaY]-(Officer) Played Ranger here
Omega Squad [OS]-(Leader) Ran Warrior here- friends here not as competative as I would like and have left to go to other guilds.
I would prefer to run frontline, but if needed I can also ranger.
I don't care about the rank of the guild( ladder is preferred) just want a guild that is active and friendly without much rage. ( A relaxed atmosphere) but still competative
Doing ATs would be a +. As well as the Guru tourney.
Running Balanced is prefered.
P.S. I would prefer to get pmed on this forums since when I am online I am usually busy, If you pm me in game and i don't respond right away i will try to scroll back up and get back to you whenever i am able to. If you can not reach me on this account try my secondary ign= Clone Of Tinny
Last edited by The Tinny; Jun 23, 2008 at 02:20 AM // 02:20..