Looking for GvG guild
Well, I don't have vent or mic, and no rank (do people really care about this still, i refuse to run gimmicks)
I want to join a HELPFUL GvG guild and start pvping, lately it's been all PvE for me. So I haven't really GvGed much, that's why i want a helpful guild to show me the ropes. I'm not a noob or anything, just a hardcore PvE er wanting to start PvPing. Only thing is i don't have factions or EotN, but i have proph and NF and can run almost all builds for dervs or eles. I'm a decent warrior, decent ranger, but suck at monking or mesmers. I catch on quick, like to make my own builds (yes most of em work ok.. no epic fails) and feel that with the right guild i can be a real asset. I'm pretty active, play usually every day at about 1PM ET to around 5PM ET.
I also don't mind HA (even though i HATE gimmicks) or TA (still need some points for r1 glad) mostly all ive been doin is RA to test my new builds after the new update. So if you want me, you can PM me on forums or in-game
Name is Scythe O F Glory and my other frequently used char is Choco Chip Muffin. May have to make some PvP chars but i got enough slots and can easily make one and run a build.