Ele lf HA guild
Hey reasons why you should let me join
a) i have every ele spell in the game and alot from second proffs.
B) i have a set of armor for each type of ele (fire water ect)
C) I used to own my own sucsessfull guild
D) I LOVE pvp i never do anything besides it!.
E) Im very chatty have vent ts ect.
F) Gladly compete in comptions
The list goes on and on....
Why you shouldnt
a) so i havn't started my HA title track because no groups give anybody a chance below a certain rank! so how am i ever going to level up in it? i understand how they dont want crap in there teams lol but im not crap!
so theres my info if u want me to join just leave a comment with your info and a name to wisp.