Looking for an Intelligent Guild
I am not looking for a guild full of "1337 pwnzrs". I don't care about how many titles a person has. I don't even care about whether or not your guild can afford a god forsaken cape. Rather, I'm looking for people who enjoy the Guild Wars for what it is, a game. I'm looking for people who can carry on an intelligent discussion about events other than what is currently taking place in the game. I'm looking for people who hopefully know how to properly use the English language. "typin liek tis w/lots of acronyms" does not count as properly using the English language.
Now, you might all be thinking: "lol he r teh new loser who dudn't know how 2 paly". Wrong, Ive had Guild Wars: Prophecies since a month after its release. I played the game religiously for over two years. However, I entertain myself with the idea that a MMORPG offers much more than the constant grind for fame, snazzy armor, and self confidence. Where is the society aspect of a massively multiplayer game?
I myself have tried to create a guild offering sanctuary from the ceaseless spamming of: WTS's and WTB's, among other things. I've even tried to create an RP guild, after all, this is a MMORPG. However, those endeavors were fruitless. Now, I am holding onto the hope that perhaps someone has had more success than I. If you have a guild that meets only a few points which I have listed above, please private message me. If not, please note that this little blurb was not meant to be offensive.