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Old Oct 21, 2008, 09:43 PM // 21:43   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Central Colorado
Guild: Laid Back Crew [Laid]
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Default Sin/War/Monk LF very active PvE guild [US/Luxon pref]

As the title suggests, I am looking for a gulld that is active and runs all high end content frequently (at least once a week, preferably once a day), as well as actively participate in PvP of all forms (HA and GvG a major plus).

A little about me...
I have been playing since release, but I took an extended break of nearly 2 years after about a year and a half from the release of the game right after factions release (was playing WoW with friends). I recently came back (~8 weeks ago) and want to continue from where I left off. I have 3 current characters with all 3 campaigns and eotn completed with all the PvE and PvP skills I could ever feasibly need. Those 3 main classes are as follows...

Asmodea Axehammer - W/ - ~2.5m exp, ~550 hours, sword, hammer, axe setups and shield swaps, every skill for every profession unlocked minus some elites, gear swaps to match. I primarily play axe, and generally don't do any form of tanking setup, I tend to stick to damage builds, but I have all the necessary obsidian tank skills of course.

Mira Blachand - A/ - ~20m exp (my current farmer, can you tell?), ~350 hours, every PvE and PvP skill unlocked for every class, gear swaps for all of it. I created this character when I came back. I primarily play your typical asuran scan, death blossom spammer sin, I do have a crit scythe setup though.

Without A Draw - Mo/ - ~20m exp (old UW solo farmer back in the day), ~700 hours, every PvE and PvP oriented skill unlocked for every class, gear swaps to match any common setups. I primarily play a WoH hybrid bar and of my 3 main classes, this is the class I have the least amount of actual elite content with.

I am currently leveling an elementalist as I know that nowadays for speed clears they are a near necessity (hence the question mark in the title), so she will be up and running soon if necessary.

My monk and warrior both have full fissure armor (though neither of them generally wear it, it was more of a money sink at the time) and I have ran UW almost every hour of my monks life. Asmodea may be the least played in terms of actual character age (3 years, only 550 hours) but she is my pampered character, with everything high end and the one I have ran in groups for FoW and UW the most. My assassin has done FoW and UW and of course has also farmed UW.

My Experience...
I have ran FoW and UW enough times to be able to sleep through a full run and complete the run from memory. I have *no/very little* experience in The Deep, Urgoz' Warren or DoA, these have been dead since I have been back and I have had no luck in finding a good enough group to successfully complete a run, I have been trying but without success. My current guild is just me, and my current alliance is a bunch of casuals who can't ever dedicate to a full run of anything and thus rarely take part in any elite runs.

As I said earlier, I am a WoW player, at the time I stopped raiding (just before Sunwell's release) I had been raiding Tier 6 content on farm for months. This meant dedicating myself to 4 hour nights for 5 days a week during progression and 4 hour nights for 2 days a week when everything was put onto farm status. I understand the concept of dedication and sticking to what I have said I will stick to. I won't leave mid run unless its an emergency, and I will continue to keep going through as many wipes as necessary if it comes down to it.

I have both vent and teamspeak installed and I have a mic, no issues with talking or simply listening (I tend to be quiet on mic anyways).

Ideally I am looking for a guild which runs DoA daily and does UW speed clears, whom also tries to PvP in the off time (but this is a distant priority).

If this sounds good, or you have any questions, feel free to PM me here or contact my self in game. I am in game most of the day that I am home.

Last edited by MiraBlackhand; Oct 21, 2008 at 09:46 PM // 21:46..
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